Database Management

Hire Experienced & Dedicated Database Developers

Zem revamps existing database software solutions and develops new database solutions from scratch for companies to gather, organize, and draw critical data insights.
Custom Database Development Services

Custom Database Development Services

Expert database developers program any database model to fit your software needs, including hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented, document, and more.
Database Application Development

Database Application Development

Design data-driven desktop, mobile, and web-based applications that leverage robust database solutions, prioritizing ease-of-use for employees and customers alike.

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Data Mining & Transformation

Data Mining & Transformation

Harness the power of leading data mining & transformation tools to transform your data sets and automate processes for mining, structuring, organizing, and indexing data.
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring

Regulatory Compliance Monitoring

Database developers automate data transfers, merging and migrating data from various applications, file formats, and database management systems (DBMS).

We Develop Custom Database Solutions

We develop all kinds of database software solutions, providing custom-tailored database platforms to all industry types and business sizes.
Data Warehouse Software Solutions

Data Warehouse Software Solutions

Develop advanced data warehouse software solutions to ensure data integrity by readily identifying informational inconsistencies and reporting critical insights.
End-User Database Software Solutions

End-User Database Software Solutions

Engineer custom database software solutions for end-users to maintain, query, update, and generate reports in easy-to-use spreadsheet files.
Distributed Database Software Solutions

Distributed Database Software Solutions

Create reliable distributed database software solutions for companies to manage structured, interrelated effectively, and physically distributed files.
Analytical Database Software Solutions

Analytical Database Software Solutions

Develop sophisticated analytical database software solutions optimized to provide fast query response times and advanced analytics.
Operational Database Software Solutions

Operational Database Software Solutions

Engineer powerful, custom-tailored operational database software solutions that allow users to modify mission-critical data in real-time.
External Database Software Solutions

External Database Software Solutions

Design and develop external database software solutions for managing large licensing schemas and other types of data where high performance is required.

SQL Relational Database Solutions

We implement precise, intuitive, and intelligent data structures, views, and indexes for enhanced organization and structural data integrity.
Data Consistency

Data Consistency

Implement database solutions that maintain data consistency across database copies and applications, ensuring that multiple instances have the same data.
Autonomous Databases

Autonomous Databases

Your custom database will incorporate autonomous and multifaceted commitment capabilities, keeping data accurate and ensuring compliance.
Database Locking & Concurrency

Database Locking & Concurrency

Implement database locking and concurrency mechanisms to maintain data integrity and reduce the potential for conflicting database changes.

NoSQL Non-Relational Database Solutions

We develop non-relational databases for enterprise-level businesses that require flexible and scalable database solutions for storing and organizing large data sets.
Document-Oriented Data

Document-Oriented Data

Engineer non-relational databases to effectively and reliably store large amounts of complex, unstructured data.
Massive Dataset Organization

Massive Dataset Organization

Collect, organize, and store massive quantities of unstructured data with added scale, speed, reliability, security, and accessibility.
Flexible Database Expansion

Flexible Database Expansion

Expand your database to become more flexible and obtain the ability to absorb new data points for added granular value.

We Leverage Leading Database Software Tools

We harness the power of popular database-as-a-service (DBaaS) providers to create a solution that fits your data-driven requirements.

Microsoft SQL Server

We integrate Microsoft SQL Server data platform into your existing business systems to extract, warehouse, and transform essential data.

Microsoft Azure

We integrate your business applications with Microsoft Azure to drive consistency and efficiency across your entire business workflows.


We leverage Oracle to jump-start your current business system connectivity with embedded best practice integrations and business accelerators.


We harness the power of AWS’s extensive and robust suite of data services to enable effective company communication and interoperability.


We connect MongoDB with your existing apps to store essential data, automate emails, and create effective workflows that promote enhanced productivity.

IBM Cloud

We integrate IBM Cloud into your systems to automate application and data flows, improving both client and employee experiences.

We are here to provide a fresh perspective. Ready to work with us?